Whois Lookup | Domain Whois Search

Whois Lookup

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About Whois Lookup

Have you ever wondered who owns a particular website or how to find out more about a domain's history? The answer lies in a powerful tool known as Whois Lookup. This tool is essential for anyone who wants to delve into the world of domain ownership and IP addresses.

What is Whois Lookup?

Whois Lookup is a query and response protocol that is widely used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource, such as a domain name or an IP address block. It can provide you with the information about the entity that registered the domain.

Historical Background of Whois Lookup

The Whois protocol was documented in October 1982 by Ken Harrenstien and Vic White of the Network Information Center at SRI International in RFC 812. It was created to deliver network-wide directory service to ARPANET users. Over the years, it has evolved and expanded to include a wide range of records and information.

How to do a Whois Lookup?

Performing a Whois Lookup is simple. All you need to do is enter the domain name or IP address that you're interested in into the Whois Lookup tool. The tool will then return a wealth of information about the domain or IP address, including the registrant's name, organization, address, and contact information.

What information can I get from a Whois Lookup?

A Whois Lookup can provide a variety of information, including:

  • The name and contact information of the domain owner
  • The domain's creation, expiration, and update dates
  • The domain registrar
  • The domain's name servers
  • The domain's status (such as 'active', 'expired', or 'suspended')

Is it possible to find out who owns a website?

Yes, one of the main purposes of a Whois Lookup is to find out who owns a website. By entering the domain name into the Whois Lookup tool, you can find out the name, organization, and contact information of the domain owner.

Can I use Whois Lookup for IP addresses?

Yes, you can use Whois Lookup for IP addresses. By entering an IP address into the Whois Lookup tool, you can find out information about the organization that owns the IP address block, as well as their contact information.

How accurate is Whois Lookup?

The accuracy of Whois Lookup depends on the accuracy of the information provided by the domain owner. Domain owners are required to provide accurate information when they register a domain, and to update this information if it changes. However, some domain owners choose to use 'Whois privacy' services, which replace their contact information with the contact information of the privacy service.

Is there a free Whois Lookup tool?

Yes, there are many free Whois Lookup tools available on the internet, including the one provided by All Easy SEO. These tools allow you to perform unlimited Whois Lookups without any charges.

How to understand the results of a Whois Lookup?

The results of a Whois Lookup can be quite detailed and technical, but they are generally broken down into several sections:

  • Domain Information: This section includes the domain name, registrar, creation date, update date, and expiration date.
  • Registrant Information: This section includes the name, organization, address, and contact information of the domain owner.
  • Administrative Contact: This section includes the name, organization, address, and contact information of the person or organization that is responsible for the domain's administrative tasks.
  • Technical Contact: This section includes the name, organization, address, and contact information of the person or organization that is responsible for the domain's technical tasks.
  • Name Servers: This section includes the domain's name servers, which are responsible for directing traffic to the domain.

Can Whois Lookup help in identifying spam or phishing websites?

Yes, Whois Lookup can be a valuable tool in identifying spam or phishing websites. By looking at the domain's registration date, registrar, and contact information, you can often identify suspicious or fraudulent websites. For example, if a domain was recently registered and the contact information is hidden, it could be a sign of a spam or phishing website.

How to use Whois Lookup to find the domain registrar?

Finding the domain registrar is easy with Whois Lookup. Simply enter the domain name into the Whois Lookup tool, and look for the 'Registrar' field in the results. This field will tell you the name of the organization that registered the domain.

For more information about Whois Lookup, you can visit the ICANN's Whois Lookup page.

At All Easy SEO, we also offer other useful tools such as Domain to IP and My IP Address that can help you in your SEO efforts.